Pitch Me Your Project

(don’t see what you need or have a pesky project looming?)

Big or Small

Home Office Desk

Transform your backlog into business breakthroughs with our Pitch Me ​Your Project service. We help you tackle those crucial projects you've ​been putting off, ensuring they get completed efficiently and effectively.

We will provide the support and expertise needed to push your business ​forward. Say goodbye to procrastination and hello to progress with tailored ​project management and execution.

Investment Varies

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Ways to Work Together

Done FOR You

Done WITH You

Done BY You

You provide the project

We take that project off your list

We provide the plan & strategy

You provide the elbow grease

We plan, strategize, & implement

You do more of what you

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At Virtually Structured, we offer a comprehensive suite of services designed to elevate your ​business and help you overcome common challenges.

Our tailored approach ensures that every aspect of your business strategy is expertly managed, ​allowing you to focus on achieving your vision with confidence and precision.

Don’t Take Our Word for it...

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I had the pleasure of working with Christy as my online business manager, and I cannot recommend her services enough. ​From our initial consultation to the ongoing support she provides, Christy continues to demonstrate a profound ​understanding of my business needs and a commitment to driving its success. She has been my invaluable asset in ​optimizing my business operations with seamless efficiency. Her ongoing dedication ensures the flawless functioning of my ​business, making her my virtual unicorn!


How To Get Started?

Infographic List

Step One

Grab your laptop, fill out a quick questionnaire to tell ​us about your needs, so we can determine if our ​service offerings align with your needs.

Step Two

If our services align with your needs, we’ll send you a ​link to book a Complimentary Consultation Call- where ​we’ll discuss how we can assist you with your ​business.

Step Three

A few days after our call, we’ll send over a proposal. ​When you’re ready to begin working with us, simply ​sign the contract and pay the invoice. Once we have ​all three items, we will begin the onboarding process & ​the work begins!

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Accredited OBM

Office Hours:

Tuesday - Thursday 8a-4p CST


Based in Nashville, TN. US

Serving Clients Globally

“as each has received a gift, use it to ​serve one another, as good stewards of ​God’s varied grace.”

1 Peter 4:10


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